Having trouble translating your company’s values and product offerings into actual sales?
Attending our Public CAMP each year is a great way to jump-start your current sales.
However, a better route for some is to schedule a private “In-House” CAMP for your entire sales force. This allows Rod to dive deep into your company’s specific goals and the current obstacles that you and your team are facing in the marketplace.
A custom-designed CAMP enables your team to more freely discuss specific company strategies and programs and how to execute them at a higher level.
CAMP introduces students to a whole new way of selling seed and agricultural products. Whether you are new to the business or a seasoned veteran, CAMP will completely immerse you into the world of selling by teaching sales tactics and hands-on skills that you and your Team can use the day you leave the session.
During a custom-designed “In-House” seminar Rod will take you and your team through a process that will help you engage customers from a whole new prospective. The CAMP process will position you as a market leader by teaching your sales team a much different, easier, and more rewarding, way to sell.
Here’s what you’ll experience during the two-day Training:
- How to get more customers to buy 100% of their needs from you
- How to set yourself apart from the competition
- How to get customers to make decisions and place orders much earlier
- How to get growers to focus less on price, allowing you to control your margins
- Actionable changes you can make in your sales territory the day you leave the training
- The absolute confidence the CAMP strategy will work for your sales team
- An brand-new framework your team will sell from— your entire salesforce will speak a different language when we’re finished with CAMP
Target Audience
Whether you sell direct, through retail centers or through a dealership, CAMP will be the most exciting and profitable time you will ever spend learning how to attack the new marketplace.
Many companies bring CAMP to their own business so they can involve all of their sales force and entire staff. With a private CAMP you choose the location, coordinate the meeting details and the R.C. Thomas Company will work with you on the training dates.
Contact Us
Depending on the size of your team and budget a private “In-House” CAMP may be the best alternative and the most cost-effective vs attending our Public CAMP. Contact us for more information on Rod’s availability and pricing below.