This is for seed and Ag sellers who want to get better at what they do..
Managers not only need to understand the Blueprint that is taught but, because attendees are asked to make so many changes in order to succeed in the 21st century marketplace, those managers also need to support those sales team members so they have every opportunity to follow through with those changes.
To see real changes, sales reps and management need to be on the same page, working toward the same goal.
The 21st century marketplace has changed a lot and so has selling to farmers. Every field seller you have needs to attend the Sales Bootcamp and learn these techniques if they plan to grow along with these modern-day farmers.
The biggest mistake that we see is when companies only send their rookie sellers just to have them return back and pick up the bad habits of all their fellow veteran sellers who haven’t changed in 20 years.
Should I have my best dealers register?
You should make sure EVERYONE attends — whether it’s a dealer, a commission rep, or a full-time seller. They are all asked to do the same job, which means they should all receive the same training. Your dealers absolutely need to attend and will get a lot out of this type of training, especially when we talk about time management and being viewed as a leader among neighbors and fellow producers.