Competitors Offering Crazy Deals to Your Customers?
Right now customers are being pursued by competitors offering them outlandish special deals and trying to get them to take their deal and cancel orders they already have in place with you.
Are You Struggling With…
- How do you ensure virtually every unit of seed you sell gets planted?
- What’s your plan to compete against the crazy programs competitors will be offering farmers again this year?
- What do you say and how do you say it during order confirmation?
- How do you stop confirming orders and, instead, start confirming fields?
- How do you expose unsold seed that can be moved or sold, so you can project returns and final sales earlier than ever?
- How do you follow a proven plan that protects current orders?
(FREE to members of our SeedSeller Academy. Not a member yet? Click here)

The Most UnderUsed, Most Impactful Field Visit of All.
Register – $99(FREE to members of our SeedSeller Academy. Not a member yet? Click here)

Meet Your Trainer
“I believe selling in agriculture today shouldn’t be this difficult.” —Rod Osthus

- Five decades in the Agricultural Industry
- Bachelor of Science in Agronomy from SDSU
- Registered Seed Technologist
- Research, Trojan Seed Company (5 1/2 years)
- Director of Trojan Hawaiian Research, Maui, Hawaii (2 years)
- First employee, eventually became VP of Sales – Keltgen Seed Company (17 years)
- Founder and President, RC Thomas Company (20-Plus Years)

This Livestream is Perfect for Anyone Who is a...
- Farmer Dealer
- Direct Seller
- General Manager
- Retailer
- Regional/District Sales Manager
- CEO/Owner
What Do You Get With the Livestream?
All the tools you need to EXECUTE this key step of the Seedseller blueprint
- 90 minutes of training over your lunch hour
- Full-color workbook (PDF download)
- The most effective plan to achieve your sales goal
- Livestream replay available for 72 hours
(Unlimited for SeedSeller Academy Members)

12:00 pmThe Hell Time of the Year: When Sales Don’t Match Inventory
1:30 pmRapid-Fire Q&A w/ Rod Osthus
What's My Investment?
How many current customers are going to leave you when a competitor comes along and offers them a so-called “better deal”? How many farmers are going to cancel your order because you never confirmed it prior to planting?
The lack of having a proven plan to protect and confirm your orders with customers may already be costing you and your company a great deal.
Basic Registration
Access to the Livestream Event and 72 Hours Replay Access
Register – $99*
(*FREE to members of our SeedSeller Academy. Not a member yet? Click here)
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